Monthly Archives: July 2014

Pomposity and Circumstance

cernparticles1_11-02Although I have become a good deal more restrained in recent years, I am not one to shy away from speaking my mind, as many of you are probably aware. Thus, when something risibly inaccurate appears on my wall, I am sometimes moved to comment. In this instance, the assertion in an article that:

 “The fourth dimension” is a short-hand term for the world of spirit and emotion and desire and vibration and feeling and intuition and imagination. It’s all the unseen stuff that can have the power to dramatically affect the seen.”

Now, strike me with a wet kipper, but I could have sworn that the fourth dimension was Time*. Certainly, that was what they taught me on my Physics degree course, but hey, what do actual scientists know compared to New Agers, who apparently have an entirely new definition for the word “dimension”, other than as a quantifiable measurement, not to mention regarding Time as being something that is defined in terms of the unquantifiable.

Q: How tall are you?
A: Ecstatic
