Posts Tagged Medieval Events

End of Season

iphone 177-smI just returned from my last event of the summer at Herstmonceux and am quietly sinking into my second (large) glass of muscle-relaxant* and contemplating my muddy toes whilst waiting for the bath to run. Meanwhile, the dog is trying desperately to gain access to a spot on the sofa, having been forced to lie on the ground for the last three days and endure all mannner of scary noises and strangers, by looking faintly pathetic and moaning plaintively from time to time.



Looking Back

cups05You may know that I read at a lot of Medieval and Historic Feativals and I’ve just returned from a 5-day stint at Leeds Castle, preceded by a couple of days at Herstmonceux. The latter was not a hectic event and I found myself having two slightly odd conversations about reading the past. Now this is curious because most Tarot “virgins” usually want to know about the future (will they succeed/win the lottery/find love/get better) and I spend a lot of time explaining about my approach not really being predictive in that sort of fortune-telling way*.


Dusting Off

bigtent1-smIt’s almost that time again. Time to dust off the canvas, dig out the sleeping bags and what passes for creature comforts in the field and go…well, live in a field at the weekends.

My trading season this year kicks off at Wrest Park in Bedfordshire on the 26th and 27th of April and, although the days were lovely, warm and sunny last year, I’m rather hoping there isn’t a repeat of the -4C overnight temperatures, when the water froze in the kettle and it was too cold for the butane cylinder on the stove to work. (Yes, I will be packing a thermos flask this year!)


Brass Monkeys and Golden Balls

Wrest morningI have just returned from a weekend trading at the St George’s event at Wrest Park and I couldn’t have wished for a better start to the season. Wellies were left at home and there was this wonderful, shiny, golden ball thingy glowing hotly in the sky all weekend. I’m not sure what it was, (I certainly didn’t see such a thing last season), but I liked it a lot! It was mostly particularly welcome to thaw out from the overnight temperatures, which were minus lots. See the silver grass? That’s frost –>


Around my Summer in 80 Yays! (or Boos!)

As usual the last few months have been busy with events and school holidays and I haven’t had much time to blog. So, here  is tour around my summer in yays and boos: (more…)

Strange Fruit

I returned from Herstmonceux Medieval Festival yesterday afternoon. After a rather quicker journey (including a pub lunch) than on the outward leg, which took 6 hours thanks to one of the tyres on the trailer disintegrating en route. (more…)

Banking on Adversity

Bank Holidays, eh?  The eagerly anticipated long weekends when you can guarantee everything will go pear-shaped. The weather is so inevitably awful that even the newscasters state  “Well, it’s the Bank Holiday” with wry acceptance. ‘Plans’ are a misnomer that should really be acknowledged as simply ‘wishful thinking’.  Between the weather and the inevitable travel chaos, like lemmings thousands attempt to migrate only to find themselves stuck immobile for hours due to road/rail works, accidents, volume of traffic, strikes and the odd act of gods, who are obviously a bit pressed for something to do on the Bank Holiday themselves. (more…)

Homework and Fieldwork

I don’t mind doing it in public. I quite enjoy the curiosity and sometimes admiration that doing my thing elicits and I am not ashamed. In short, I am not a secret knitter.  (more…)

Playing in the Sun

Just got back from History Boot Camp. Well, “just got back” in the sense of: arrived, unpacked car and trailer, put stuff away, got some laundry on the go, had baths to scour off the grime and mud, got a curry in and tucked into a glass of wine in front of Foyle’s War. (This is being written in the breaks).

What a fab weekend! I’ve tried all sorts of things, brought back interesting things (and mud) and am totally exhausted. The weather was gorgeously warm and sunny, during the day, at any rate.  The nights were still somewhat nippy, as you’d expect, but a good excuse for a roaring campfire.
