Posts Tagged recipes

Fat Fun

CheesecakeYep, this a fatty post*. With all this lockdown business, lots of people have been pigging out on cake exercising their baking skills and I am no exception. I finally decided that it was time to attempt my sister’s baked cheesecake. We all have our specialities when it comes to family gatherings and this is one of hers. In our family, recipes tend to be vague and proportion-based, and always open to experimentation, which is how we like it. My sister maintains that her cheesecake comes out different every time, and why not! 

*the fat referred to here is in the cheese, not around my midriff…well, mostly. 


Hopping into Spring

Welcome to the Spring Equinox Tarot Blog Hop. We were offered two themes for this Hop and I chose the second, which involves cookery for this blog post. Before I expound on this, here are the navigation links for my neighbours and the master list:



Sacred Food

Welcome to the Autumn Equinox Tarot Blog Hop, in which our wrangler has given us the theme “Tarot Characters and Sacred Cooking” and asked us to choose a character and try to find out what they would cook at Harvest Tide. Before we continue to foodie loveliness, here are the navigation links for this Hop:



More Tudor Food

Sánchez_Coello_Royal_feastAfter a busy few weeks, I’ve been playing catch up on my Historic Food and Feasting course. Last week, I wrote up my efforts at making Tarte Owt Lent from Week 1. This week will be a bit of a veritable treat of recipes from weeks 1 and 2, with week 3 hot on their heels.


Off With Her Quiche!


Kenilworth Castle

A while ago I mentioned that I had signed up for a short course on Historic Food and that began a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately, I’ve been off trading at Kenilworth Castle and then the Chalke Valley History Festival, respectively, for the last two weekends and frantically trying to finish my Victorian outfit for the latter in between the two.  I promised you an update once I’d started and here it is.


Bean Feast

BeansIt’s been a while since I wrote about anything other than Tarot*, and since it is Vegetarian Week, I thought I’d share a veggie recipe with you. 😀

Yes, alright, it has nothing whatsoever to do with Veggie Week and everything to do with having a temperamental fridge freezer that needs to be emptied and defrosted, and no food in the house. There, I admit it! Happy? Anyway, the fact remains, I have a recipe of sorts for you. That it is born of the dregs of my freezer contents is neither here nor there.


Dilly Dilly

220px-Illustration_Anethum_graveolens0I haven’t blogged about food for a while and woke up this morning moved to rectify this situation and decided to write about Dill. As herbs go, Dill is not widely used in English cuisine, which is a shame since it has a really nice flavour.

You may be familiar with the taste, since you will probably have come across in Gripe water, given to small children to cure hiccups. I loved the stuff as a child and attribute my subsequently high tolerance of alcohol to it (though these days it is alcohol-free). You may also be notionally familiar with pickled dill gherkins, usually imported from Poland. Nom! Nothing like one to go with a real ham (not that reformed, water-filled muck) and mustard open sandwich.


Advent Calendar Day 15

advent15Another week begins, another Advent door opens 🙂

It’s all rather whizzing by at breakneck pace. This is the last week of school and probably the last week I can get my work finished before I need to brace myself and get stuck into an epic session of tidying and cooking. I don’t much mind the latter, but I detest housework, so I’m not looking forward to that and the dust bunnies are trembling in fear already 🙁


Advent Calendar Day 3

  Day 3 of my Tarot Advent Calendar has arrived and I haven’t fallen by the wayside yet 😀

Yesterday did turn out to be somewhat about food after all. After I’d finished my post, DD insisted we made some gingerbread men…well, families really,  with the nested cutters I picked up at the weekend (men, women, children, babies and dog*). And very good they were too. The remainder (quite a few were consumed) are pending decoration, though DD has assigned herself to the probability that they will get eaten faster than she can decorate them (mostly by her, it must be said :D)


Pumpkin It Up

pumpkinsIt’s been a while since I did a foodie post, mostly because it’s been a while since I did anything terribly new and interesting. I totally failed to grow anything this year (those beauties in the pic are from last year –>) and for the most part, I’ve just been cooking the usual (albeit fairly varied) dishes based on Sunday Roast leftovers with a few stock alternatives for variety. Of course, with a fairly warm Summer and mild Autumn up until recently, there has been a certain reluctance to slave over a hot stove.


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