Posts Tagged to-do lists

So Far, So What?

imagesI have been remiss in posting updates to progress on my New Year to-do list. Ha! Thought I’d forgotten and let it all fall by the wayside, as such things usually do, eh? Not so, Mes Amis! You don’t get off that lightly, (though I’ll keep it brief).


February Review

xdaffodil2.jpg.pagespeed.ic.giJRWg9C4TNo, the resolutions to-dos I made in January haven’t fallen by the wayside…yet 😀 Admittedly, I’m a bit late with the monthly progress report though, so here’s a brief update on how I’ve done over the last few weeks 😀


New Year Res…To-dos

to-doI don’t really do New Year resolutions. It just seems like a good way to set yourself up for failure and disappointment. All the usual ones about losing weight, exercising more, drinking less and generally being healthier are usually just a distant memory by February. That said, I do have some things that I want to do this year, so here they are in black and white as a reminder/target/measurable achievement, in short, a to-do list. Since New Year’s Day turned out to be a bit of a pyjama and movie day, I thought I’d squeeze in some list making as well 🙂


Plotting and Scheming

to-doAs you may know, I don’t do New Year’s Resolutions. I can’t see the point in setting yourself up to fail by bundling all the things that you’ve neglected to do the previous year and hanging them off one date in the calendar, as if this will magically enable them to happen. Perhaps that is a little harsh, but if you want to do something, just get on with it at the appropriate time. For example, if you want to lose weight, choosing the coldest time of year, when you are most likely to need and want warming, comforting food, is really the worst timing. It’s probably best to make that resolution at the Spring Equinox and save yourself three months of misery.
