Posts Tagged ravelry

Dee Sock Progress

I have stalled slightly on the Dee commemorative sock, named the Kitty Committee Sock. The pattern was pretty much finished, but when I came to do the cat cuff, I wasn’t happy with how it looked so need to rework the pattern. Unfortunately (or perhaps fortunately) I have been very busy lately so it has fallen by the wayside slightly. However, I hope to be back on the case shortly. Meanwhile, here are some pics of the work so far…

October Sockdown

I’ve started yet another sock, this time for the October SKA Sockdown on Ravelry. The pattern is Esther by Steffi Linden and it’s my first time doing a picot edge cuff. As always, I’m using luscious merino yarn from Violet Green. Here are the first few rows:

I’ve split the skein into two balls and as soon as I have knitted the picot cuffs on DPNs, I’m going to have a go at knitting both socks at once on a pair of circulars. This should make it easier to get both socks identical 😀

September Sockdown Cast On

Well, here it is. I cast on Cookie A’s Flicker sock last night so I’m off and running for the September SKA (Sock Knitters Anonymous) Sockdown on Ravelry. Yay! It’s a gorgeous colour and matches my hair 😀


I was so excited to have received my invitation to join Ravelry the other day. I’ve joined the Sock Knitters Anonymous group there and will be participating in the Challenge, where you have to knit a different pair of socks each month. For September’s Challenge, my dilemma is which of the wonderful Cookie A patterns to opt for. I have a few of her freebies from Knitty in my archives and the Twisted Flower, but they are all so gorgeous, it is hard to choose between them :S Whichever, I do, the rest of the patterns are on my wishlist (cheap Christmas presents 😉 Either way, opting for Cookie A was a no-brainer as the alternative was to knit and orange sock and orange is just not my colour at all. Besides, I still have loads of lovely Violet Green yarn in my stash to use up 😀 Watch this space for updates on my progress.