Posts Tagged Christmas

Top Tens

advent25I hope you all had a lovely Christmas. I could write volumes about mine, but that would probably bore you rigid, so I’ll just do my top hits and misses (in no particular order) 🙂

Top Ten Hits: (more…)

Advent Calendar Day 9

advent9Still with me? Fab! Let’s see what Day 9 has in store for us 😀

It’s a bright and frosty morning today – a vast improvement on the soul-destroying drear of last week, so something cheery is called for, methinks. Before I reveal what lurks behind today’s little Advent Calendar door, I will have my customary ramble. Don ‘t panic, I’ll keep it brief!


Advent Calendar Day 2


OK, OK, I admit it, there was no Advent Calendar Day 1. Put it down to a lack of planning…well, put it down to the idea only just having occurred to me, just this minute, now…on Day 2 🙂

My cunning plan is to randomly select one of the many decks in my collection (and I have considerably more than 25 so plenty of choice) and select an equally random card from said deck as my Advent Card of the Day. Now to make things interesting, I won’t just be trotting out a dull old deeply insightful interpretation of the card, I will be attempting to equate the card to a gift or some other Christmasy thingy. If I’m totally stumped, the interpretation will be “chocolate”. You are, of course, welcome to offer your own interpretations 😀


Ride ’em In

IMG_0585So with Christmas over and the New Year beckoning, it must be time for the annual roundup. Of course, creeping senility means that my memories of this year go all the way back to…oh, last week some time. With that in fragile mind, I’ll begin with Christmas and see if anything less recent hoves into mind.

We had a fairly sedate Christmas this year. No panics, no arguments, no over-indulgence, no leftovers (apart from some salmon from Christmas Eve) and no excesses*.

*chocolate doesn’t count (more…)


tarot-swietlistej-drogiSo here we are again, another Yule, another Yule Tarot Blog Hop. This time the theme has been given as “TURNING DARKNESS INTO LIGHT” with instruction to describe how we bring light to those around us and how we celebrate light with Yuletide traditions. You can follow the links below to navigate around the Blog Hop and read what everyone else has shared.


Giggle All The Way

concert-2We’ve just got back from DD’s Christmas music concert. It was, as is increasingly the case, something of a giggle.  Not intentionally, I might add…it’s just that I can’t help myself and once I start giggling, it really is difficult to stop. Once, it was necessary to be armed with a sheaf of tissues because 4-year-olds herded into performing Christmas plays are so unbearably cute it makes you weep. Now I need them to dab the tears of laughter from my eyes. Don’t look at me like that, there were plenty of shoulders shaking in that hall, I’ll have you know.


Festive Musings

5083You know how when you hear a snatch of a tune that you know well, even if your attention is elsewhere, some bit of your brain recognises it and immediately sits up to take notice, as if you’d heard your name spoken? Well, I was pottering away on the computer with the TV on in the background, using my built in mental ad filter (the one that allows me to totally tune out all forms of advertising unless I choose to look/listen), when I suddenly caught just such a snippet. It was very subtle and possibly even being spoken over, (my filter was still on for that irrelevant bit, so I can’t be sure), but I caught enough to recognise it as Siouxsie and the Banshees. It amuses me hugely that the rebellious punk bands of my youth are now regarded as suitable soundtrack material for marketing. The funny thing is the often huge inappropriateness of the songs.


Living in the Present

vic014Welcome to the Yule Tarot Blog Hop. The theme du jour is “Christmas Present” – a topic that I have no doubt has yielded diverse and interesting posts from our wonderful collection of bloggers. You can find links at the bottom of the page back to the lovely (and prolific) Chloe’s Lenormand Blog forward to Joanne’s Tarot blog or back to Alison’s master list of all the hoppers.

Life is short and at this time of year the days make it seem even shorter. As we hurtle towards the outbreak of festivities with joy, dread, mild panic or all three, perhaps it is time to take a moment to reflect. Alternatively, if you have no time, no time, no time (oops, mild panic creeping out there), and the world has not, in fact, ended as predicted today, you can always wait until the main event is over and you are quietly thanking providence for surviving the food, family and festivities in a warm, overfed and alcoholic glow.


Christmas – Part 2 The Naked Truth

So what did I get for Christmas?

I got lucky, that’s what 😀  See? It says so here –>

The card is from the rather lovely Vintage Erotica Tarot, just one of my many Christmas presents and the source of many of the previously mentioned giggles 🙂 In case you can’t see it properly, the card is The Wheel and is subtitled “You Are Lucky”, which pretty much sums up how I feel about life at the moment.

This deck is a collection of, as you might reasonably expect, vintage erotica – lovely original sepia toned pictures of un-airbrushed ladies with naturally shaped bodies and plush, luxuriant lady beards (no Brazilians here, or if there are, it’s due to nationality rather than nether region hairstyling).


Christmas – piss-ups, punch-ups and stress

Was this how your Christmas went? Or is that just the stuff of soap operas where everyone on the street/square/close has the kind of issues that make your toes curl?

Did your spouse have you fingering the carving knife longingly? Did your children turn you into a shrieking harpy? Was your head in danger of exploding like an overfilled balloon? Did the relatives have you reaching for the gin? Were you desperate for it all to be over for another year?


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