Posts Tagged dark chocolate

Black Magic

chocolateI know you’ve been waiting in breathless, drooling anticipation for this post about…chocolate!

As part of the Historic Food and Feasting course, we covered the arrival and subsequent popularity of chocolate, imported to Britain from the newly opened up New World in the early 18th century. We are not talking about the bars of confectionary that we think of as chocolate today, however. Until the 19th century, chocolate was drunk, much like tea and coffee. Indeed, there are many similarities with coffee in particular, insofar as it is made from ground roasted beans.


Advent Calendar Day 14

advent14Day 14 and just a quick one today because nobody has time to read weekend posts, it would seem. If you do find yourself at a loose end and haven’t been following this series, there are another 12 to read, all packed full of useful and useless information for your entertainment 🙂


Advent Calendar Day 8

advent8*Gasp* Day 8 already, and Week 2 begins! Come on, if you’ve fallen behind, get reading! I’ll keep this one brief to give you a chance to catch up on the booze, food and games, dark sunshine, sprouts, loot and bunnies, just in case you missed any, or want to revisit the cute bunny 🙂

Assuming we’re all up to date now, I’ll move swiftly on to opening the door to Day 8 on the virtual calendar. But first…oh, come on, you didn’t think I could resist having a teensy leedle ramble, did you?…
