Crafty Pursuits
I haven’t got off to a roaring start on my
resolution to-do list item regarding writing more, at least not as far as this blog is concerned, though after the daily Advent calendar posts, I imagine that’s something of a relief. I am doing rather better on most of the rest of the list though and will be posting an update about that soon 🙂
As far as my crafty pursuits are concerned, I am making good progress on the Lightning Thief MKAL, kindly gifted me by my Eviller Twin and making use of some rather nice yarn I’ve had in my stash for aaaaaages.
It’s quite hard to reproduce purple accurately in photos and the yarn is a bit darker than it looks here, but if I hadn’t lightened it a bit it would just look black. It’s called Blackcurrant Bush and is a deep blackcurrant with greeny teal bits. The beads are Purple Rainbow so stand out beautifully in gold, purple and blue hues when the light hits them (again, hard to see in the pic) and there are squillions of them. I’m rather liking this project 😀
In other crafty news, I finally blocked the Glasgow Rose Stole that I made eons ago. The border is knitted on at the end and I’d dropped a stitch in a couple of places along the edge, which resulted in some major and minor unravelling along the join and needed lots of fiddly repair. I put off doing it for ages (finished the shawl in October…2013), so I’m quite pleased that’s another job done.
The second Renaissance Blanky I’ve been making on commission for a friend was finished, but now isn’t, since I had 5 balls of yarn left and my friend wanted it a bit bigger anyway, so I’m 1/3rd of the way through the additional 15 squares that will take it from an 8 x 6 to a 9 x 7 square throw. The nice, light turquoise makes it a nice project for working in low light.
I think my eyes are starting to feel their age and I find it harder to see in low light than once I did. To this end, at the engineering exhibition my DH took us to yesterday (where he just took pictures and somehow I ended up spending loads of money),
I we bought a rather funky Retro floor standing lamp for people with failing eyesight crafting/reading.
Regular readers may also have noticed that I have made the font size of this blog slightly larger, so that you oldies with failing eyesight regular followers can read more easily 😀
Beautiful stuff! You talented so-and-so!! My eyes are not so good now – I put it down to working at the computer. I always had brilliant eyesight and now it’s pretty shit. I use a lamp too and it does help :_)
It may be partly down to the computer (constant short focus) but it’s also down to the muscles around your eyes slackening. Do eye exercises and refocus your eyes regularly if you on the computer (stare into space) and that should help 🙂
We haven’t even mentioned Eco-bulbs, that invention of the Devil where all the lights are on but you still can’t see anything ….
The new lamp comes with an LED bulb that is fearsome and I also ordered (an ECO) daylight bulb, which is 15W but 65W equivalent. They had some that were 150W equivalent but I said that I only wanted to see what I was doing, not light a football stadium 😀
Loving the Lightning Thief and wondering if I will ever get anywhere close, but I may live into my mid-eighties, so there’s hope. 🙂 Beautiful stuff, Ania.
And thanks for the larger font, as well. 😉