February Review
No, theĀ
resolutions to-dos I made in January haven’t fallen by the wayside…yet š Admittedly, I’m a bit late with the monthly progress report though, so here’s a brief update on how I’ve doneĀ over the last few weeks š
1. Diet
The “more fruit” part has slipped a bit somewhat, but we had fish 3 times last week and are still eating less meat and drinking less booze. DS cooks once a week (Fridays) and very good it is too, and DD cooks whenever the mood takes her, which is usually at least once a week, since she doesn’t need to be poked with a stick to do it. Not too bad on the whole, especially since I’ve lost at least 10lbs under the new regime, despite the occasional takeaway and cream cake. (DH says he has lost 18lbs…git! Why is it always so much easier for men?)
2. Work
Ummmm… I’m doing some, but my motivation has been suffering. I blame cold weather (not pleasant trying to work in the conservatory), half term and a lergy which knocked me for six for over a week. I know… excuses, excuses!Ā
3. Creativity
As you may have guessed from my excitementĀ over a new camera, I have been doing lots of planning for my photographic Tarot deck project and playing with the beastie trying to learn what it can do š
I haven’t done a great deal of knitting in the last few weeks, other than a few rows of Esme’s sleeves and a quick crochet hat for DD, but I have been planning the Japanese shawl. I have also blogged at least once a week and will be wrangling the next Tarot Blog Hop (next week), so watch this space for some fun and creative posts from our Hoppers š
4.Ā Home
<cough> Move along, nothing to see here! Mind you, I cleaned out the toaster yesterday and, if rehydrated and reconstituted, there were probably enough crumbs for at least one loaf of bread. Today, I will be descaling the kettle and shower head. That has to count as home improvement, right?
Overall, not a great month in terms of progress, but as previously mentioned I was down with a lergy, which somehow metamorphosed into ‘flu when I passed it on to DH, who spent the entire week at home.
One thing I do need to add to the ongoing To-do list, is the garden. The veg beds have, as yet, not been dug over and I haven’t even planned what to grow, let alone where. Time is fleetof footĀ and the impending Spring appears to have skipped over Snowdrops and gone straight onto Crocuses and Daffodils and a slight sense of panic on my part as the trading season approaches. So another thing to add to the list is reviewing stock and making more as needed.
But, as I said, Time is fleeting – things to do, schemes to plot (or plots to scheme).Ā I’ll leave you with anĀ appropriate ear worm for today…(with Italian subtitles, just in case you want to sing along in Italian :D)
12 March 2015
The blog hop is next week ?? wow that got here fast!