New Year Res…To-dos
I don’t really do New Year resolutions. It just seems like a good way to set yourself up for failure and disappointment. All the usual ones about losing weight, exercising more, drinking less and generally being healthier are usually just a distant memory by February. That said, I do have some things that I want to do this year, so here they are in black and white as a reminder/target/measurable achievement, in short, a to-do list. Since New Year’s Day turned out to be a bit of a pyjama and movie day, I thought I’d squeeze in some list making as well 🙂
1. Diet
No, I don’t mean the unrealistic expectation of shedding enough weight to fit into my very old clothes. My plan is just to be kinder to my digestive system, which struggles to cope sometimes, by eating :
- more fruit (I eat too little on a regular basis)
- less red meat (Not too much less, but break the meat-heavy meals up a bit more)
- more fish (I like fish :))
- more varieties of veg, including pulses (experiment more with existing veg and try different veg)
- new recipes (continue expanding the repertoire)
- encourage the children cook more
(Both received cookbooks for Christmas. DS is down for making dinner next Friday – he’s chosen to make Lamb Koftas. DD has already got stuck into making Lavender cupcakes, though I’d like her to make more than just cakes. DS will be 15 this year and I want to be sure that when he is all growed up in a few years, he has this life skill totally nailed 🙂
- Be
less messymoretidyorganised - …and more motivated
- Increase my income
- Expand the range and finish some of the projects under development
- Include more of my work in this blog
3. Creativity
- Start planning my photographic Tarot deck and taking pics for it
- Bust some of my mahooosive yarn stash by tackling some of the projects in my Ravelry queue
- Knit some more colour work (DS’ mitts weren’t as painful as I expected)
- As above – finish experimental/new projects
- Write more
4. Home
- tackle some of the increasing number of jobs, improvements and reorganising that needs doing around the house. (The list is far too long to itemise!)
I think that’s enough to be going on with for now. I will be conducting a monthly follow-up as to how I’m getting on (or not).
I’ve made an excellent start to the dietary aspects of the plan by having a crisp sandwich for dinner. They were Tyrells crisps in artisan Walnut bread though…no meat…nuts 🙂
I like how you’ve made separate areas – makes it seem more manageable 🙂
Ah, that’s all part of No. 2, point one: be more organised ;D