Posts Tagged blanket

Crafty Update

Purple Tick SymbolI’ve been working my crafty mojo hard lately and have finished several projects, some twice 😀

You may recall my Renaissance Blanky, which I finished in October ready for use as a throw for keeping my tootsies warm on the sofa over the winter months. It did get used for that purpose for a whole but then migrated to the (unheated) bedroom where it covered approximately half the bed. I still had some of the red yarn left, though not enough to do anything significant, since I really needed enough for 32 more squares to get it up to 8 x 10. So, I bought another ball of yarn in Tudor Rose (I fancied a bit of contrast and 32 squares in the same colour is really boring) and this is the result:


Crafty Pursuits

keep-calm-and-do-some-crafty-stuffI haven’t got off to a roaring start on my resolution  to-do list item regarding writing more, at least not as far as this blog is concerned, though after the daily Advent calendar posts, I imagine that’s something of a relief. I am doing rather better on most of the rest of the list though and will be posting an update about that soon 🙂


I Came, I Saw, I Knat

knittingneedlesWith the Clues only taking a couple of days and then the enforced hiatus on the MKAL, due to there being no clues at all for the version I am making for a whole FORTNIGHT, my restless hands have turned to other projects.

Monday saw a very quick knit that has been in my queue for absolutely aaaaaaages, namely the Medievalesque neck warmer. The original pattern is a bit minimal and stood some improvement as the lace section was way too short, so I added a few more rows and altered some of the existing lace pattern. I used DROPS Eskimo, but any super bulky yarn will work just fine. Here is how mine came out:
