Posts Tagged Easter

Snowed On

It was with a mixture of excitement and trepidation that we set off to spend the coldest, snowiest Easter week for years in the Alps North Wales.

You can see my confusion…

Llanberis pass

Llanberis pass


Sitting on the Fence

I can’t believe it’s been a year since I first participated in the Tarot Blog Hop, hasn’t it flown by? The theme for this Hop is Dancing Between Light and Darkness and the notion that there is a point at which things can be neither one thing nor the other, or both. Initially, this seemed a curious suggestion to me, but it makes a certain kind of sense if you consider that something can be both a hope and a fear or an event can be both a source of joy and of sadness.


Bunny Hop Blog

Today’s post is brought to you by the Tarot Blog Hop, which, if you haven’t come across it before, is the blogging equivalent of a round-robin. You can click on the links at the bottom to see the previous and next posts.

The topic du jour for this edition of the blog hop was given as Ostara: Paint a journey with new life. Hmm, I thought, what on earth am I going to write about that? I’m not religious at all*; profound discourses on the meaning of life are best saved for late nights with wine and there are far too many people preaching sharing their insights on how to live your life, so I’m not going to go there either. 


The Great Egg Race

Not content with leaving the chocolate egg purchases until virtually the last minute (and missing out on the lovely big Lindt eggs), I’ve only just done the traditional Polish decorated eggs.

Admittedly, it has been some time since I actually did this – umm, more years than Oscar Wilde would recommend admitting to – but I thought it would be a fun thing to pass on to the younglings.
