Posts Tagged Hallowe’en

We Draw a Veil

10329296_1421073688154919_6295224645325141367_nWelcome to this Hallowe’en/Samhain edition of the Tarot Blog Hop. Before we continue on to the topic, here are the navigation links to take you to my neighbours’ posts and the Master List in case you are completely lost:


Our wrangler, Arwen, gave us the following directive for this Hop: (more…)

Pumpkin It Up

pumpkinsIt’s been a while since I did a foodie post, mostly because it’s been a while since I did anything terribly new and interesting. I totally failed to grow anything this year (those beauties in the pic are from last year –>) and for the most part, I’ve just been cooking the usual (albeit fairly varied) dishes based on Sunday Roast leftovers with a few stock alternatives for variety. Of course, with a fairly warm Summer and mild Autumn up until recently, there has been a certain reluctance to slave over a hot stove.



ouija_zps74bc4147So here we are Blog Hopping again. For this Samhain Blog Hop, we were asked to:

 to discuss or show, via the Tarot or any other oracle, who you would invite to an afternoon tea on the Day of the Dead. What do you imagine they’d be like? What Tarot card (or cards!) would represent them? What would you ask them? What would you like to learn from them? Your “guest” can be living, or dead, but imagine them there and then represent them in a Tarot card (or more).



A Hectic New Year

Hallowe’en or Samhain marks the end of the old year (pagan style) and the start of the new. Whereas the start of the calendar year proper, i.e., January, is for me normally full of post-Chrimbo lethargy and the strong urge to hibernate until Spring, next month is going to be active to the point of insanity.

In addition to some tight deadlines for commissions, I start NaNoWriMo tomorrow (gulp). 50,000 words in 30 days is just short of 2000 words a day that I have to squeeze in to my already busy, family and work-filled life. Witchfest is coming up next Saturday and I’ll be reading Tarot all day, so that is one day less already. I must be insane!

On the plus side, the plot is coming together nicely, although I hope nobody overhead DH and I discussing the best way to murder someone in the pub yesterday 😀

Happy Hallowe’en /Samhain!