Posts Tagged Meniscus Tarot

All the World’s A Fool

Welcome to the Mid-Winter/Yule Tarot Blog Hop. The theme for this Hop, set by yours truly, is entitled “Wishing on a Star” and asks our bloggers to reflect on what they have to celebrate from the past year and wish for the year to come. Before we explore this theme, here are the navigation links for the Hop:



Leaving Early

Dore TarotFor this edition of the Tarot Blog Hop our wrangler, Alison, asked us to do something a little different. Rather than setting a topic, we were simply asked to choose a card (that hadn’t already been picked) and write about it. Before I continue, here are the links to my lovely neighbours and the Master List:



So Far, So What?

imagesI have been remiss in posting updates to progress on my New Year to-do list. Ha! Thought I’d forgotten and let it all fall by the wayside, as such things usually do, eh? Not so, Mes Amis! You don’t get off that lightly, (though I’ll keep it brief).


The Eye of the Beholder

horrified-thumbWelcome to the Beltane edition of the Tarot Blog Hop. Our wrangler for this hop, Morgan, has asked us to write about “distasteful” cards—the cards that evoke a strong negative reaction”.


