Posts Tagged weather

Advent Calendar Day 4

advent4Yep, I’m still here. You didn’t think I’d run out of steam by Day 4, did you? 🙂

I hope you enjoyed yesterday’s post and are planning to try out the Tarot card game. I’d love to hear how you got on.

Today is so dark, dank and dismal I’d rather wish I’d stayed in bed. I’m looking at the advent picture of those deer frolicking under the stars with a degree of envy – their night would appear to be somewhat brighter that my day!


Brass Monkeys and Golden Balls

Wrest morningI have just returned from a weekend trading at the St George’s event at Wrest Park and I couldn’t have wished for a better start to the season. Wellies were left at home and there was this wonderful, shiny, golden ball thingy glowing hotly in the sky all weekend. I’m not sure what it was, (I certainly didn’t see such a thing last season), but I liked it a lot! It was mostly particularly welcome to thaw out from the overnight temperatures, which were minus lots. See the silver grass? That’s frost –>


Water Sports and Hats

The weather this summer has, for the most part, been beyond a joke, even by this country’s motley standard. Three of my events this season have been cancelled due to heavy rain making the site a bog/river/lake.  Night time rain has traumatised myself and other survivors of Kelmarsh into lying fretfully awake in our tents, fearful of waking up to similar scenes of flooding.

We made it to Herstmonceux on the Bank Holiday Friday in good time and had the tent up and the trailer emptied before the rain started (to fill it up). We watched with growing trepidation as the ground assumed sponge-like qualities: water visibly squelching up as you trod down, and this was inside the tent. As it turned out, the rain did not linger and although it was most definitely welly weather on Saturday, the ground dried out nicely and Sunday was glorious, ending with a breathtaking view of the very starry, starry sky.*  Of course, just as we were packing up on Monday evening, it started to rain again, against all probability and just to be annoying. Naturally, now that I am not camping out and have started to write about the rain, we have wall-to-wall sunshine. It’s enough to make an atheist wonder if there is a god, who not only plays dice but loses heavily.


Topics of Capricorn

I should warn you (or possibly reassure you, depnding on how you feel about this topic) that this post has very little to with Astrology. January is the month of Capricorn, however, and the word play in the title amused me 🙂


Reasons to be grateful

Don’t panic! This is not going to be one of those self-indulgent gushing posts, which mawkishly “share” personal sentiments which are largely meaningless to anyone else. I find these rather like looking at other people’s baby pictures – for the first few you may think “How sweet”, but long before the 20th, 78th or 100th instance, you have glazed over and found yourself wondering when it will stop, while politely nodding and smiling. No, rest assured, this is gratitude in the British way, (but without the queuing). (more…)