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Falling Apples

AppleTreeLgThey say that the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree and I’m very proud to report that this is certainly the case with my DD:) Not only is she a good mathematician and a writer (with two NaNoWriMos under her belt), but she has joined in with my Medieval trading activities this summer by making rag dolls. Did I mention that she is only 10?

The dolls are 10.5″ tall and are all hand crafted by DD with only a little help from me – I cut out the fabric for her and assist with a couple of bits of finishing, but otherwise it’s all her work. I think they’re fab (though I admit to being a teensy bit biased :)).

What do you think?


Click on the picture to see more

Needless to say, I’m very proud of her. She sold Bliss last weekend and was absolutely thrilled, so her enthusiasm hasn’t waned yet (talented 10 year-olds are butterflies, flitting from one project to the next). So if you know a little (or big) girl who would like to own one of these, send them over to my shop. All proceeds go to DD, as long as she shares the odd sweetie with me for my small contribution 🙂

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7 August 2013

2 Comments to “Falling Apples”

  1. Lovely job 🙂

  2. Yeesh! Shown up by a 10 year old 😉 No way I could sew something that well, nor come up with the idea in the first place. You deserve to be a proud mamma 😀

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