So Far, So What?

imagesI have been remiss in posting updates to progress on my New Year to-do list. Ha! Thought I’d forgotten and let it all fall by the wayside, as such things usually do, eh? Not so, Mes Amis! You don’t get off that lightly, (though I’ll keep it brief).


The Tsundoku Way

I learned a new word today. I like to learn new words, though unless they are words that I can use regularly, I tend to forget them quite quickly. This particular word is almost deserving of a blog of its own, not just a post, because it pretty much sums up my life at present. Would you like to know what it means?


On Being Evil

wands10The recent election has elicited much bile and vitriol on the evils of capitalism and how the Tories are just out to line their pockets and oppress the poor and the workers, while the saintly Labour party just want to help “hard-working families”.

Well, the thing is, I’m an Evil Capitalist. There, I admit it. I operate a privately-owned business for profit, therefore I am, by definition, a capitalist. I even have a sweat shop, where the poor downtrodden workers, who include child labour, have to work long hours in uncomfortable conditions for very little pay to meet the demands of my business. They don’t even have a Union to help stop their capitalist overlord oppressing them. See? Evil! It’s horrifying, but there you have it.


The Eye of the Beholder

horrified-thumbWelcome to the Beltane edition of the Tarot Blog Hop. Our wrangler for this hop, Morgan, has asked us to write about “distasteful” cards—the cards that evoke a strong negative reaction”.





If you’re wondering why I’ve been a bit quiet lately, it’s because I’ve been on my jollidays! I like my holidays to be exhausting* and this one has been no exception. I’ve never seen the point of going somewhere just to sit around on your arse doing nothing – I could more easily, comfortably and cheaply do that by staying at home – so we’ve had an action-packed week in lovely Cornwall 😀

*well, not really exhausting, but active enough to make the trip worthwhile


Japanese Puzzle

confused-geek-woman-203x300The Japanese are known for their love of a fiendish puzzle, from wooden boxes that can require over a hundred moves to open, to all kinds of number puzzles. It seems that this apparently includes knitting patterns, as if the use of different symbols and the obvious language barrier weren’t enough of a challenge.



Sun-Cartoon-CharacterIt’s a beautiful morning here in the Shires and, despite a slight chill in the morning air, it definitely feels like Spring is here. Much beer was consumed and quizzes quizzed last night, but there is nary a hint of overhang (and we came a respectable third) and I am full of springy joys. Huzzah! (more…)

Highs and Lows

images-2Well, what a week it’s been! After all the excited anticipation for the eclipse last Friday, not to mention all my faffing about careful preparations to set up my telescope and ensure that I could mount my camera on it for photographing the great event, it turned out cloudier than bath of asses’ milk and a good deal less beautifying.


All Things Being Equal

squirrelWelcome to the Spring Fling Tarot Blog Hop. For this edition, I volunteered to be wrangler and for the topic, I asked our bloggers what they would change to bring the Tarot into the modern day (or if they thought the archetypes so archetypical that nothing need be changed).




Tarot Blog Hop Spring 2015

10329296_1421073688154919_6295224645325141367_nWelcome to the Master list for the Tarot Blog Hop for Spring 2015.

I am the “wrangler” for this edition of the Hop and asked participants to consider whether the standard Tarot deck needed to be updated for modern times.


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