Posts Tagged knitting

Crafty Update

Purple Tick SymbolI’ve been working my crafty mojo hard lately and have finished several projects, some twice 😀

You may recall my Renaissance Blanky, which I finished in October ready for use as a throw for keeping my tootsies warm on the sofa over the winter months. It did get used for that purpose for a whole but then migrated to the (unheated) bedroom where it covered approximately half the bed. I still had some of the red yarn left, though not enough to do anything significant, since I really needed enough for 32 more squares to get it up to 8 x 10. So, I bought another ball of yarn in Tudor Rose (I fancied a bit of contrast and 32 squares in the same colour is really boring) and this is the result:


Success and Failure


DD’s a Winner!

I have to take off my hat to DD, I really didn’t think she was going to do it. Just shy of 19k words, a target of 24k and 1 day left. I thought she’d get half way there and I’d be just as proud of her having done over 20k, but no, she plugged away (with plenty of additional prodding from me) and produced over 5k words in one day! That’s OVER FIVE THOUSAND WORDS IN ONE DAY! (It needed writing out in full and in bold). I am seriously, but seriously impressed!


Panic and Mayhem

crash-positionsWell, it’s Black Friday and the masses are both seething and rampaging if the news is to be believed, with reports of punch-ups over TVs reminiscent of the kind of thing that used to happen in the January sales, or that bit in Airplane! where the passengers are told to assume crash positions and chaos ensues (see pic). My particular corner of the world seems to have largely avoided bothering with any of it and when I nipped out to collect something earlier, the high street was quiet with no evidence of this lunacy.



image_mediumAs you may be aware if you follow this blog, I have previously attempted NaNoWriMo… successfully once and DD succeeded where I fell by the wayside another time. In fact, she then went on to also complete her target the following year and, after a year off, is going for it again this year with a target of 24k words. Not bad for an 11 year old! Puffs up with motherly pride.


I Came, I Saw, I Knat

knittingneedlesWith the Clues only taking a couple of days and then the enforced hiatus on the MKAL, due to there being no clues at all for the version I am making for a whole FORTNIGHT, my restless hands have turned to other projects.

Monday saw a very quick knit that has been in my queue for absolutely aaaaaaages, namely the Medievalesque neck warmer. The original pattern is a bit minimal and stood some improvement as the lace section was way too short, so I added a few more rows and altered some of the existing lace pattern. I used DROPS Eskimo, but any super bulky yarn will work just fine. Here is how mine came out:


It’s A Myshtery


60d2b8be8349ac34180e9fe98e6c40c4I haven’t blogged about knitting for a while…well, I haven’t really had much time to blog about anything over the summer season…but I have had my arm twisted been persuaded to participate in Susanna IC’s latest MKAL (Mystery Knit Along) and have been tempted to have a go at NaKniSweMo (National Knit a Sweater Month), which runs parallel to NaNoWriMo* (National Novel Writing Month) during November.

*(You may recall that I have participated that for two years – you can read about my efforts here).


Clickety Sticks

My enthusiasms tend to wax and wane like the moon (yes, OK, so I’m a looney 😉 and after stalling on DH’s Kilt Hose earlier this year, my knitting muse left me in disgust. I lost track of where I was in the pattern and had somehow ended up with a stitch short one one sock, so when I volunteered to knit Hestia a pair of new bed socks to replace those tragically murdered by Tartarus, I  decided it was easier to just frog it all back and start from scratch rather than trying to work out what was going on. I quite enjoyed making them and found myself at a loss as to what to do next when they were finished. (I haven’t sent them off yet, so no spoiler pics yet, I’m afraid. They will be in the post tomorrow, promise 🙂



I went to the library on Tuesday, primarily for the children, but I always enjoy a good browse and while I was there I popped upstairs to the non-fiction section to look at the crafty books. This is probably a bit sad and middle-aged, but I was really excited to find both this and this. (more…)

Spinning a Yarn

I must admit that I love wool, whether as yarn or fabric. It keeps you warm in winter and in comfortable in summer and can be spun to any thickness effectively. Now that I have a washing machine with a wool/handwash setting and there is Superwash, is unlikely to languish at the bottom of the washbasket after one outing. Even my sheepskins are machine washable. (more…)

Homework and Fieldwork

I don’t mind doing it in public. I quite enjoy the curiosity and sometimes admiration that doing my thing elicits and I am not ashamed. In short, I am not a secret knitter.  (more…)

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