Posts Tagged recipes

Wild Mushroom Stroganoff (Recipe)

Here is my recipe for Wild Mushroom Stroganoff with rice.


Time flies like an arrow…

…and fruit flies like a banana, but not nearly as much as they like my quietly decaying mountain of apples and pears 🙁

In my best efforts to bake, cook and eat the stuff as swiftly as possible, I’d neglected to take the bin bag of bruised offcuts to the outside bin quickly enough and opened the bin to a small swarm of the buggers this morning. Bin bag was duly sealed and trotted outdoors together with any obviously hopeless fruit and the remaining fruit installed in the fridge out of harm’s (and flies’ way).

Today’s effort Toffee Apple Flapjacks spoiled slightly by insufficient plain toffees and DD’s insistence on including the Licorice ones (no, they’re yucky!). Oh well, I’m away this weekend, so won’t have to eat any.

The Perpetual Chicken

Today is day 3 of the residence in our house of the perpetual chicken.

She started her life with us…well, not so much life  really as the final post mortem phase of her corporeal existence…She started her sojourn with us as the Sunday roast, served with roasties and 3 types of veg. She was a well stacked bird. Her ample breasts would (proportionally speaking) put Jordan to shame and she cost a mere £5 from Sainsbury’s, so a good deal cheaper too, though somewhat classier. (more…)

Health Hazards of Homegrown Fruit

What could be healthier than growing your own, organic (assuming you don’t use pesticides) fruit, I hear you ask. It has to be better than paying for fruit from the supermarket, right? Well, let me tell you.


Take ye Onyons

It seems that the modern peasantry should take a leaf out of our Medieval counterparts’ cookbooks in the interests of healthy eating

Should you need a pointer towards some gode cookery receipts, this is a fascinating resource…

Of course, the really healthy peasant diet is less based on elaborately stuffed capons and more on grain-based gruel or potage, but the recipies are intriguing nonetheless. Enjoy!

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