Monthly Archives: October 2014


ouija_zps74bc4147So here we are Blog Hopping again. For this Samhain Blog Hop, we were asked to:

 to discuss or show, via the Tarot or any other oracle, who you would invite to an afternoon tea on the Day of the Dead. What do you imagine they’d be like? What Tarot card (or cards!) would represent them? What would you ask them? What would you like to learn from them? Your “guest” can be living, or dead, but imagine them there and then represent them in a Tarot card (or more).




564287_296946860388586_1466195527_nI booked an outdoor pitch at the Tweseldown Artisan Market for Saturday just passed, so was most grateful for the relatively clement weather. Mind you, sitting about is still quite chilly after a while and despite my snow boots, my feet did get rather cold on a couple of occasions as it was quite slow. I plan to trade at the November and December markets as well, but am hoping to get an indoor pitch for these as I don’t much fancy my chances of staying warm outdoors. I’m rather hoping things will be busier in the run up to the C-word as well 🙂


I Came, I Saw, I Knat

knittingneedlesWith the Clues only taking a couple of days and then the enforced hiatus on the MKAL, due to there being no clues at all for the version I am making for a whole FORTNIGHT, my restless hands have turned to other projects.

Monday saw a very quick knit that has been in my queue for absolutely aaaaaaages, namely the Medievalesque neck warmer. The original pattern is a bit minimal and stood some improvement as the lace section was way too short, so I added a few more rows and altered some of the existing lace pattern. I used DROPS Eskimo, but any super bulky yarn will work just fine. Here is how mine came out:


A Bit Less Mystery

image_mediumThe Autumn Mystery KAL I mentioned a couple of weeks ago is looking less mysterious now I have completed three-quarters of the pattern. Aside from regularly getting outwitted by where I’ve got to in the lace repeats, due to the usual distractions (dog, TV, offspring, DH, Farcebook), and then having to tink back when it becomes apparent that the pattern no longer lines up, it has all gone quite swiftly. I find myself finishing a Clue after a couple of days and then spending the next 4 or 5 drumming my fingers impatiently on the keyboard awaiting the next release.

Spoiler alert…
