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564287_296946860388586_1466195527_nI booked an outdoor pitch at the Tweseldown Artisan Market for Saturday just passed, so was most grateful for the relatively clement weather. Mind you, sitting about is still quite chilly after a while and despite my snow boots, my feet did get rather cold on a couple of occasions as it was quite slow. I plan to trade at the November and December markets as well, but am hoping to get an indoor pitch for these as I don’t much fancy my chances of staying warm outdoors. I’m rather hoping things will be busier in the run up to the C-word as well 🙂

In other news, perhaps the disappointingly minuscule Clue (6 whole rows!) for the MKAL last week was no bad thing. My Renaissance Blanky is now finished and blocked (and very nice it is too) and the decks are clear to make various C-word presses.

Clue 7 (of 6) of the MKAL did finally arrive mid week and was duly completed in between trying to get a load of stock finished for the market. Finally managed to block the shawl today and, although a bit smaller than I was expecting, I really rather like it 🙂

It’s still a little damp, so will try to get some better (and more in focus) pics tomorrow, but here it is….


I managed to rip back the gigantinormous Space Invader mitts (or mitt, as I’d only made the one) for DS while at the market and will be starting again once I’ve recovered from the depression of having to undo my work. I think I will use slightly smaller needles and shave off a couple of stitches as well, just to be on the safe side.

I may even be able to start on DD’s Bronte’s Mitts, although there is NaKniSweMo looming on the horizon, for which I plan to make Esme, so it’s definitely not quiet on the knitting front. DD has decided to do NaNoWriMo (Young Writers) again this year (24k words is her target), so it will be fitting support to knit along while she bounces story lines off me, not to mention far less distracting than if I were also trying to write  🙂

Either way, with several other pieces of actual work on my to-do list, including a cloak, a medieval outfit, a wedding dress recycle and maybe a corset or two, plus a few more ideas for things to make for the market next month…oh, and helping DD with her rag dolls. it promises to be a mega-hectic month. Anyone got some extra hours I can squeeze into my day?



27 October 2014

One Comments to “Artisanery”

  1. I like to be busy 🙂 It’s being busy without being overwhelmed is the *real* trick 🙂

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