Advent Calendar Day 2
OK, OK, I admit it, there was no Advent Calendar Day 1. Put it down to a lack of planning…well, put it down to the idea only just having occurred to me, just this minute, now…on Day 2 🙂
My cunning plan is to randomly select one of the many decks in my collection (and I have considerably more than 25 so plenty of choice) and select an equally random card from said deck as my Advent Card of the Day. Now to make things interesting, I won’t just be trotting out a dull old deeply insightful interpretation of the card, I will be attempting to equate the card to a gift or some other Christmasy thingy. If I’m totally stumped, the interpretation will be “chocolate”. You are, of course, welcome to offer your own interpretations 😀
Since I have lots of other things to do and none of this involves actual, real chocolate, I can’t promise that I’ll keep this up on a daily basis, but I’ll do my best.
Without further ado, here are the first two cards. (You didn’t think I’d skimp on the first post, did you?)
Day 1
From the Tarot Polski (which happened to be on hand for reasons that will become apparent on the TABI blog shortly), I have drawn Temperance.

© Siedmiorog
Perhaps advisable for the festive season, it does not suggest abstinence (as if!) but the image definitely shows red wine colliding with water. I’ll take that as a reminder for me to temper the copious quantities of red wine with some water in order to avoid hangovers dehydration. This is something I am quite bad at remembering, as it goes, and I do tend not to drink enough water (irrespective of wine consumption).
Oh dear, a bit more of a serious start than I’d intended. Here’s hoping for a more frivolous card for Day 2 🙂
Day 2
Open a drawer and today’s randomly selected deck is….Eeny…Meeny…Miney…the Silver Era Tarot. The randomly drawn card for today is Nine of Cups. LOL You couldn’t make it up!

Oh dear, I think that perhaps I really ought to take care not to over-indulge LOL That said, the Nine of Cups is also the wish fulfilment card, so perhaps I will get my long weekend in Venice as a present after all. Failing that and being a bit more realistic, a few bottles of something nice definitely look to be on the cards 😀
So what do you think of my assessment of the first two Advent cards? Any other interpretations you’d care to share?
P.S. I will be doing this for real, on the day, for every post in this series. Absolutely, no advance planning or scheduling 🙂
2 December 2014
I always add water to my red wine. Otherwise I get terribly hung over, even on small quantities.
I love the idea of a Tarot advent calendar! What a brainwave!
Oh no, I wouldn’t adulterate good wine with water, but it is advisable to drink at least a pint of water if you’re boozing 🙂
Ha, love it 😀 I notice both are food-related 😉
Mmmm, more drink-related really 😀
Hmm, I associate Temperance with getting the balance right, so a detox spa day to balance the boozing 😀
As for the Nine of Cups, for my it’s a reminder that sitting on your own at Christmas, no matter how many pressies, is really not the point. Time to organise more social engagements in the run-up, seeing as Christmas is already sorted family-wise…
I have a very low boredom threshold for spa-type things, unless they involve entertaining company 😀
I know that the RWS 9 of Cups is a chap sitting alone, but I’ve always thought his demeanour to be that of someone holding court or hosting rather than just drinking alone 😀