Advent Calendar Day 7
It’s Sunday and I sense a certain ennui amongst the blog reading community. Sunday also being the time for family and relaxation, I considered skipping today’s post, but decided instead just to keep it short and not too challenging 🙂
Thus, I have chosen the Rabbit Tarot for today’s offering: cute, fluffy and not in the least bit demanding, perfect for a languid Sunday. I have both the first edition, with the thick black border, and the second and I’ve chosen the latter.
Today’s card is….the Eight of Daisies.
Daisies are the equivalent of Pentacles (or Disks or Coins) in more traditional decks. The little white sheet of paper that comes with the deck offers the following interpretation: loss of faith, disappointment. Not meanings I would normally assign to this card, which I generally regard as being work-related and concerned with further development of one’s craft. That said, this bunny’s not feeling the love this weekend with the lack of comments on yesterday’s post.
So, I’ll go and munch on a carrot and leave you to cheer up this sad-looking bunny by offering  your comments and insights below. Enjoy the rest of your weekend 😀
7 December 2014
Aww, I’m here! Love the bunny and daisies have a special significance for me. 🙂
Ah, I feel loved again, thank you 😀
Just to make you feel more loved, here I am (still morning in America). Must be that fluffy bunny energy. Your mention of the Rabbit Tarot caught my eye today amongst all the other wonderful blog posts I’m behind on checking out. 😉
Hope all is well across the pond. 🙂
All is well, albeit getting a tad nippy. Glad you stopped by 🙂
Yes, loss of faith I’d see as more of a Five of Daisies/Pentacles theme… Feel like giving this little bunny a hug to cheer him/her up!