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Balls and Glory

Yesterday, I spent a lovely, albeit very tiring day at Witchfest. It is the 11th year I’ve attended this event to do Tarot readings and I always leave feeling both energised and exhausted. This year, there were some lovely things on offer in the market hall and I was really taken by these “Orbs”. So much so, that once I’d picked them up, I found it quite difficult to put them down again, consequently, they came home with me:


Hare Ball


Stag Ball













DD, who accompanied me to the event, was particularly taken with this one:


I wasn’t going to get it, but a combination of her plaintive repetition of, “But, Mummy it’s a Hedgehog!” and the sterling work she did taking bookings all day, meant that she is now the delighted owner of Tiggy-Piggy-Wiggy the Hedgehog 😀

The rest of the event was pretty good too. Last year, I gave a talk and I must admit that I rather enjoyed having a packed room (I estimate there must have been at least 150 people) hanging on my every word and so many people came by afterwards to thank me or tell me how much they’d enjoyed it. What a buzz! I didn’t realise I was expected to give another talk this year until I got a phone call a couple of weeks ago asking for details of said talk. Talk? What talk? You want me to do a talk? 😮

By the time I’d come up with something, the programme had been finalised and it was too late. To be honest, I was rather relieved, as I hate to be ill-prepared and cobbling something together at the last minute is not ideal. Appreciation was forthcoming nonetheless, by the bucketload as it goes, with all my clients leaving a good deal happier than when they sat down. A few were repeat clients who’d returned after having had readings with me previously. My final reading of the day, asked if they could record the reading and when we had finished, I asked them if they’d mind repeating their comments so I could record them* in turn (please click on the link or the play button to listen) :

Witchfest Testimonial

[sc_embed_player_template1 fileurl="http://aniam.co.uk/blog/wp-content/uploads/WF-Testimonial.mp3"]

😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀 😀

*For the record, I don’t know them, I certainly don’t remember what I said to them a year ago and we did not discuss any details of that or anything else about their present situation prior to the reading. 

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16 November 2014

3 Comments to “Balls and Glory”

  1. Brilliant. It’s always such an interesting event too 🙂

  2. Awesome. Must find something comparable, if possible, in the northwestern USA.

    Love those wooden balls!

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