Christmas – piss-ups, punch-ups and stress
Was this how your Christmas went? Or is that just the stuff of soap operas where everyone on the street/square/close has the kind of issues that make your toes curl?
Did your spouse have you fingering the carving knife longingly? Did your children turn you into a shrieking harpy? Was your head in danger of exploding like an overfilled balloon? Did the relatives have you reaching for the gin? Were you desperate for it all to be over for another year?
No? Well, I’m delighted to report that there was none of that kind of thing chez nous either. Well, OK, maybe the piss-up part…but other than that all was peace, love and goodwill…as it should be at this time of year..oh, and giggling, lots of giggling (and hugs, did I mention hugs?). I’m sure that there were lots of people who found Christmas really stressful and shrieky, but, fortunately, I think they live on a different road..or most probably in a different town, since we do live in the most desirable location in the UK it seems.
I can’t honestly say that I sailed through the run-up to Christmas in a haze of joy and care-free abandon. I do not take to housework naturally – it is an evil and alien thing – and consequently the sheer scale of the undertaking to convert the conservatory (my workroom) back into a dining room for the holidays would have daunted a Sherpa. On the plus side, with the children on holiday for the whole week, it kept me out of their way and tidying their rooms gave them something to do too. But, that particular mountain was scaled and then it was wheeeeee all the way down to the festive spirit(s).
The food shopping was all done the week before with just a quick foray for booze and perishables on the Friday evening and the final couple of presents rounded up first thing on Christmas Eve. DD and I even had time to do some baking, see? <—>
So we trooped off to my Mum’s for Christmas Eve for the largest family gathering to date – 22 people! (DH informs me it was, in fact, only 21, but as it is traditional to set a spare place for an unexpected guest, it should technically have been 22 had there been enough space on the 3 tables that had to be laid diagonally across the room to squeeze us all in. ) Nonetheless, a good time was had by all and enough food to feed a moderately sized village for a week was produced, though not necessarily all consumed despite best efforts. (Don’t worry – it will all have gone home with someone and won’t have been wasted 🙂 So, groaning under the weight of our rapidly expanding waistlines, we had presents and a chorus of Polish carol-singing, enthusiastically assisted by my Mum (aged 91). I have no idea what the newer (English) contingent made of it all, but they seemed to be enjoying themselves 😀
Not even the realisation the following morning (Christmas Day) that I’d forgotten to take the turkey out of the freezer (first time I’ve bought frozen turkey in decades) spoiled the mood. Nobody was especially bothered, least of all me. We had a Pheasant Wellington, which fortunately didn’t require defrosting prior to cooking, so there wasn’t really any problem. The turkey was thawed in time for Boxing day.
So now all the presents have been opened and all the Christmas food and cakes have been polished off, (no wastage in this house, even surplus vegetables, especially the sprouts, have been recycled until all eaten), and it’s all over for another year. But I can live with that – the joy continues 😀
Tomorrow’s Post: On Presents and more about the giggling 😉
30 December 2011
So very glad that you had a festive time! I was subjected lightly to the “soaps” and boy, I am SO glad I do not follow them and have not since last Yuketide! Goodness, what a downer!
Keep the good spirits up! Baileys or Shiraz? 🙂
LOL Both, of course (and some) 😀
Sounds like you had a great time – we had a very quiet christmas – just the 4 of us. Didn’t see much of my daughter………she’s in love so spent Christmas Eve and Boxing Day with her significant other!
Happy New Year and hopefully see you in June!
Aww 🙁 All the significant others came on Christmas Eve, hence the huge numbers 😀
Definitely see you in June – it should be a good one and we’ll be there for 3 or 4 days next year as it’s a double holiday with the Jubilee!
Since I quit running pubs/restaurants, have had no punch ups, piss ups or stress 🙂
Lovely day chez nous too. Very relaxed – much fiddling around with presents and stuffing ourselves fit to bust!
Ali x
Ania –
Great day here too! Thank heavens – no stress (not counting the holiday shopping!), never any dust ups. It was a quiet (but very enjoyable) time. 🙂