It’s A Myshtery
I haven’t blogged about knitting for a while…well, I haven’t really had much time to blog about anything over the summer season…but I have had
my arm twisted been persuaded to participate in Susanna IC’s latest MKAL (Mystery Knit Along) and have been tempted to have a go at NaKniSweMo (National Knit a Sweater Month), which runs parallel to NaNoWriMo* (National Novel Writing Month) during November.
*(You may recall that I have participated that for two years – you can read about my efforts here).
I have, in fact, been knitting in the meantime, I just haven’t been writing about it. You can see some of my finished projects on my Ravelry page. You will note that, this year, I’ve been mostly making shawls and the MKAL is no exception. Well, it is sort of an exception insofar as I don’t normally go in for the “M” part of KALs. Generally, I do prefer to see what I might expect to end up with before I embark on countless hours of time and effort. The last MKAL I undertook, I waited until about 3 weeks in, partly because I had another project to finish, but also so that I could see the spoiler pics of the pattern However, I am familiar with Susanna IC’s designs and I do love almost all her patterns, so I think this one’s a fairly safe bet.
Having thus plunged, I couldn’t find a thing to wear in my closet any suitably autumnal yarn in my stash, so I was forced, forced I tell you, to order some tout de suite. It arrived today:
…splendidly Autumnal, is it not? 😀
I have created a project page on Ravelry and will be posting updates here as well, but I won’t be casting on until after I have finished writing this post. Move along folks, nothing to see here. I’ll leave you with this to pass the time while you’re waiting…
16 September 2014
A fine choice of yarn! Looking forward to seeing what it looks like in the end 😀
Ali x
So am I! LOL
I do love your yarn choice 🙂 Wot, no beads ?? 😉
Not this time. Did the Wildflowers one with max beads and it’s very pretty but not very snuggly 🙂