Posts Tagged Tarot Advent Calendar

Advent Calendar Day 4

advent4Yep, I’m still here. You didn’t think I’d run out of steam by Day 4, did you? 🙂

I hope you enjoyed yesterday’s post and are planning to try out the Tarot card game. I’d love to hear how you got on.

Today is so dark, dank and dismal I’d rather wish I’d stayed in bed. I’m looking at the advent picture of those deer frolicking under the stars with a degree of envy – their night would appear to be somewhat brighter that my day!


Advent Calendar Day 3

  Day 3 of my Tarot Advent Calendar has arrived and I haven’t fallen by the wayside yet 😀

Yesterday did turn out to be somewhat about food after all. After I’d finished my post, DD insisted we made some gingerbread men…well, families really,  with the nested cutters I picked up at the weekend (men, women, children, babies and dog*). And very good they were too. The remainder (quite a few were consumed) are pending decoration, though DD has assigned herself to the probability that they will get eaten faster than she can decorate them (mostly by her, it must be said :D)


Advent Calendar Day 2


OK, OK, I admit it, there was no Advent Calendar Day 1. Put it down to a lack of planning…well, put it down to the idea only just having occurred to me, just this minute, now…on Day 2 🙂

My cunning plan is to randomly select one of the many decks in my collection (and I have considerably more than 25 so plenty of choice) and select an equally random card from said deck as my Advent Card of the Day. Now to make things interesting, I won’t just be trotting out a dull old deeply insightful interpretation of the card, I will be attempting to equate the card to a gift or some other Christmasy thingy. If I’m totally stumped, the interpretation will be “chocolate”. You are, of course, welcome to offer your own interpretations 😀


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