

I have been sadly neglecting this blog, except when cornered like a rat, which is why I have been signing up for the Tarot Blog Hop regularly. Nothing like a deadline to focus the mind, though that does mean that I have only been writing about Tarot lately and neglecting the myriad of other projects etc. that keep me too busy to…err…write my blog.


Off With Her Quiche!


Kenilworth Castle

A while ago I mentioned that I had signed up for a short course on Historic Food and that began a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately, I’ve been off trading at Kenilworth Castle and then the Chalke Valley History Festival, respectively, for the last two weekends and frantically trying to finish my Victorian outfit for the latter in between the two.  I promised you an update once I’d started and here it is.


End of Season

iphone 177-smI just returned from my last event of the summer at Herstmonceux and am quietly sinking into my second (large) glass of muscle-relaxant* and contemplating my muddy toes whilst waiting for the bath to run. Meanwhile, the dog is trying desperately to gain access to a spot on the sofa, having been forced to lie on the ground for the last three days and endure all mannner of scary noises and strangers, by looking faintly pathetic and moaning plaintively from time to time.



Advent Calendar Day 3

  Day 3 of my Tarot Advent Calendar has arrived and I haven’t fallen by the wayside yet 😀

Yesterday did turn out to be somewhat about food after all. After I’d finished my post, DD insisted we made some gingerbread men…well, families really,  with the nested cutters I picked up at the weekend (men, women, children, babies and dog*). And very good they were too. The remainder (quite a few were consumed) are pending decoration, though DD has assigned herself to the probability that they will get eaten faster than she can decorate them (mostly by her, it must be said :D)



564287_296946860388586_1466195527_nI booked an outdoor pitch at the Tweseldown Artisan Market for Saturday just passed, so was most grateful for the relatively clement weather. Mind you, sitting about is still quite chilly after a while and despite my snow boots, my feet did get rather cold on a couple of occasions as it was quite slow. I plan to trade at the November and December markets as well, but am hoping to get an indoor pitch for these as I don’t much fancy my chances of staying warm outdoors. I’m rather hoping things will be busier in the run up to the C-word as well 🙂


Relentless Ineptitude

RememberAs you may be aware if you follow my Facebook page, I’ve just spent the weekend trading at Wrest Park and a very good weekend it was too….well…apart from Friday and my own staggering ineptitude :/


Dusting Off

bigtent1-smIt’s almost that time again. Time to dust off the canvas, dig out the sleeping bags and what passes for creature comforts in the field and go…well, live in a field at the weekends.

My trading season this year kicks off at Wrest Park in Bedfordshire on the 26th and 27th of April and, although the days were lovely, warm and sunny last year, I’m rather hoping there isn’t a repeat of the -4C overnight temperatures, when the water froze in the kettle and it was too cold for the butane cylinder on the stove to work. (Yes, I will be packing a thermos flask this year!)
