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I have been sadly neglecting this blog, except when cornered like a rat, which is why I have been signing up for the Tarot Blog Hop regularly. Nothing like a deadline to focus the mind, though that does mean that I have only been writing about Tarot lately and neglecting the myriad of other projects etc. that keep me too busy to…err…write my blog.

So what have I been up to lately, you may, if you are exceptionally bored, be wondering?

A fair old bit, as it goes.

My trading season began early (and indoors) this year with the Enchanted Market in February, a couple of events in March, then outdoors for Glastonbury over Easter and Wrest Park the weekend after that.  

An example of the view from my office…

“Lobsters” at Wrest Park

It’s been a busy time, but I’ve had plenty of…erm…help?

It’s been all go getting the stock made too, though I have a few more things bought in for resale this year, like these rather lovely leather journals with handmade cotton paper….

And I’ve made a few fun new corsets with a slightly steampunk feel:

There are more, but in larger sizes so they don’t sit too well on the skinny mannequin! Also, some commissions…

In all, busy busy! Next stop is the Hanse Festival in King’s Lynn and then a whole host of other events over the summer, including the TABI Conference (Click on the pic of the TABI bag above to order one if you are going). You can keep abreast of where I’ll be here.

As well as all that, I managed to acquire a vintage 1954 Singer 201k and had some fun restoring it. The cabinet needs a bit of attention and the electrics could probably still do with bringing up to spec, but it works well enough and an absolute bargain 😀 



The cabinet is on castors and so makes a handy portable work surface even if I’m not using the machine 😀

So what have you been up to? 




6 May 2017