Fast and Loose
Welcome to the August/Lammas Tarot Blog Hop, in which our wrangler has given us the theme “Respecting the divinatory arts” and asked us to discuss how we show respect for our Tarot/divination systems. Before I expound on this topic, here are the navigation links for this Hop:
Respect is an interesting concept when it comes to Tarot. When I first started, for want of a better expression, dabbling with Tarot, I treated it with a respect bordering on wide-eyed awe, only getting out my cards on momentous occasions to consult on grave and life-changing matters. As I became more familiar with them (thanks to the excellent TABI training course), I realised that this level of reverence was unnecessary and began to think of them as tools rather than something inherently mystical. Of course, good craftsmen take care of their tools and my professional working deck has served me well for over 13 years and, despite grimy edges and a slight mustiness, my cards are in very good condition given their (both literal and figurative) mileage.
This post does serve as a reminder that they could do with a little freshening up with fanning powder*, possibly mixed with a little scented talc, before their next major outing. I do have a new copy on stand-by as a replacement, but somehow I never seem to have the heart to retire the cards that have served me so well for my whole professional life as a reader.
*Available from all good magic shops.
So much for respecting their physical welfare**, but has increasing familiarity bred contempt? Not in the slightest! Whilst the cards have become comfortable tools, they do still surprise me. Constantly, in fact. I know them well enough to respect that sometimes they will decline to answer certain questions and not to push it or I will be more forcefully rebuffed. I know that they can sometimes be playful and provide very literal replies. And I know that sometimes, they are prepared to tackle the oddest of questions and provide useful guidance.
**If you want to cosset your cards in loveliness. take a look at my bags
Take a recent case where I had done a reading for a lady, who insisted that her (adult) son also had a reading. I got the impression that he wasn’t particularly au fait with things spiritual and esoteric because the questions were some of the oddest I have encountered. Having done an overview, we proceeded to the specific questions and first up was “Sport!”. Just that. No indication of context, but the cards rallied and supplied guidance relevant to a sporting career. (So not, to my great relief an enquiry relating to sporting fixture results, which is up there with lottery numbers in the places I do not go). Then after some further mundane queries, the exact details of which I have forgotten, he asks “How do I get to the next level of my computer game?”
Was I taken back?
Oh yes!
Should I ask the cards such a question?
Well, why the hell not?
Worst case? The cards wouldn’t want to play.
And, do you know what? The answer that came back was entirely sensible and quite helpful. I don’t recall the exact cards that came out (I did several more readings that day and tend to forget such details), but they identified that it was a team game, that it was this aspect which was preventing progress and even suggested some strategies. The client left satisfied.
You see, I told you the cards constantly surprise me! Thus, to adopt modern parlance, I have to exclaim, “Respect!”** and to totes mean it 😀
**I’m not down wid da kidz enuff to say “Props!”
So, the lesson for the day is: Don’t underestimate the Tarot. It doesn’t have to be all life-changing dilemmas and gravitas, sometimes the cards are up for being playful too. After all, they began as a game.
Before you click the links below to continue onto my neighbours’ posts on this topic or access the Master List, please take a moment to leave a comment.
1 August 2017
I think this is a great lesson. Tarot doesn’t need to be all thunderstorms and earthquakes, and using Tarot for more pedantic questions doesn’t in any way mean that a reader or querent disrespects it. Thanks for posting!
Yeah, I hear you on well-worn Tarot decks. I’ve got a Tarot of the Loka deck that I purchased not even two years ago but the edges have gone all foxy and the front and back faces are starting to thin. I put it through a lot of work since I got it, and I really like the weathering its acquired. Worn decks have such character.
Yes – Why the hell not?
I’m completely with you on that 😉
The last time I was taken aback was when somebody asked me if I could read to see how their chickens felt about them moving house…
My initial thought was – are you for real? But pause, shuffle… turn the cards and ah! surprisingly nice answer…
Lol, love it, Ania! I had a perfect example of that telling me to bog off last week. I thought I’d play around with some light-hearted prediction, not usually my cup of tea. My answer, the Three of Wands: just wait and see! ?
Yup – completely agree – why not use them for insights into the more mundane bits and bobs of our lives?!
Ali x
What is one person’s great matter is anothers poppycock –
and the Tarot can indeed give a sensible and workable answer for all of those great matters.
Fab post! Love it!