More Tudor Food

Sánchez_Coello_Royal_feastAfter a busy few weeks, I’ve been playing catch up on my Historic Food and Feasting course. Last week, I wrote up my efforts at making Tarte Owt Lent from Week 1. This week will be a bit of a veritable treat of recipes from weeks 1 and 2, with week 3 hot on their heels.


Off With Her Quiche!


Kenilworth Castle

A while ago I mentioned that I had signed up for a short course on Historic Food and that began a couple of weeks ago. Unfortunately, I’ve been off trading at Kenilworth Castle and then the Chalke Valley History Festival, respectively, for the last two weekends and frantically trying to finish my Victorian outfit for the latter in between the two.  I promised you an update once I’d started and here it is.


Royal Mail

10329296_1421073688154919_6295224645325141367_nWelcome to the Solstice Edition of the Tarot Blog Hop. Our wrangler on this occasion has given us the directive to create a Tarot card from junk mail, in other words, other people’s images.
First, here are the navigation links to help you find your way around:



Fit for A King

Sánchez_Coello_Royal_feastAs you may know, I have something of an interest in historic food. I’ve made dishes from Richard II’s cook’s book A Forme of Cury, early editions of Mrs Beeton’s Household Management, recipes from the two World Wars, Medieval Poland, and a whole host of others across several centuries. Some I have taken from copies of the original texts, others have been aided by the research of the likes of  Clarissa Dickson Wright, Dorothy Hartley and a whole host of historians throughout the ages, professional and amateur. You’ll find some of my efforts on the virtual pages of this very blog.


Bean Feast

BeansIt’s been a while since I wrote about anything other than Tarot*, and since it is Vegetarian Week, I thought I’d share a veggie recipe with you. 😀

Yes, alright, it has nothing whatsoever to do with Veggie Week and everything to do with having a temperamental fridge freezer that needs to be emptied and defrosted, and no food in the house. There, I admit it! Happy? Anyway, the fact remains, I have a recipe of sorts for you. That it is born of the dregs of my freezer contents is neither here nor there.


A Bit Grimm

weblogoImagine my delight at receiving the lovely Arthur Rackham Oracle as an anniversary gift from my DH on Saturday! Rackham was a prolific illustrator and even if you aren’t familiar with his name, you’ll almost certainly have come across some of his images. The 80 cards in this deck are derived from only four of the forty-two books he illustrated: Grimm’s Fairy Tales (two volumes), Shakespeare’s A Midsummer Night’s Dream and Ibsen’s Peer Gynt, and they are absolutely lovely.



10329296_1421073688154919_6295224645325141367_nWelcome to the Beltane Tarot Blog Hop. Our wrangler, Karen, asked us to take the word “may” and play with it as we chose and so I have *sniggers*. But before I share my mental musings on the subject, here are some links to help you navigate to my neighbouring hoppers and the master list:



Jollidays (in pictures)

OLYMPUS DIGITAL CAMERAWe’ve just returned from a week in lovely Snowdonia, so I thought, as is traditional, I’d bore you with share a few holiday snaps 😀 Step through the portal into North Wales….


Coining it in

10329296_1421073688154919_6295224645325141367_nWelcome to the Vernal Equinox edition of the Tarot Blog Hop. The topic, which for this Hop I have set, is Tarot and finance. Well, it makes a change from bunnies and fecundity 😀

Before we proceed, here are the navigation links to my esteemed neighbours’ contributions and a link to the master list of all our bloggers:



Vernal Tarot Blog Hop 2016

Welcome to the Master List for the Vernal Equinox Tarot Blog Hop. You will find links to all the Hoppers in this edition here:


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