
One Year On

It’s been a year since our lives changed dramatically due to Covid and lockdown. Last March, my Tough Times post included a “Year Ahead” Tarot reading in light of this. Today. I too a look back to see how accurate it had been. Take a look at the original post (I haven’t edited it since, even to correct the odd typo), and see what you think. (more…)

Tough Times

I have been quite busy recently, with one thing and another, not least the installation of a spanky (and long overdue) new bathroom* including, for the very first time, my own shower. I still prefer a bit of a hot soak in the bath (good for getting the chill and aches out of the old bones), but given the very poor water pressure in our house, the electric shower is proving an attractive alternative.  Building work is always disruptive and messy so it’s fair to say that I didn’t get a lot done in the last couple of weeks…well, apart from tiling, that is, and lots of running around sourcing bits and pieces for the bathroom. Then, just as the end was in sight and I was free to resume prepping stock for the outdoor fair season…BAM! Covid-19! Well, that was a bolt from the blue for all of us, wasn’t it?


Hopping into Spring

Welcome to the Spring Equinox Tarot Blog Hop. We were offered two themes for this Hop and I chose the second, which involves cookery for this blog post. Before I expound on this, here are the navigation links for my neighbours and the master list:



The Fine Line

Welcome to another edition of the Tarot Blog Hop. Our wrangler has given us the Mabon theme of “how can the balance be restored”, but before we explore that, here are the navigation links:


Oh boy, is this an apt theme for me at the moment! If you read my last post, you’ll know just how out of balance things have been for me lately. So how to address this?



Welcome to another edition of the Tarot Blog Hop. Our wrangler has given us the simple theme of “The lesson I could teach the world”, but before we explore that, here are the navigation links:


Of course, following on from our last Hop’s musical theme, the obvious response (and earworm) is “I’d like the teach the world to sing…”. Unfortunately, this would probably require a level of musical competence beyond the ability to bellow along to the car stereo at the top of my voice. Still on a musical theme the next thing that sprang to mind was “Lessons in love”, but along with general life guidance, the Kama Sutra has that fairly comprehensively and imaginatively covered. (more…)

Rhythm of Life

Welcome to another edition of the Tarot Blog Hop, the 50th no less. This time, our wrangler has given us a musical theme, so take your seat and turn off your mobile phone, but before the lights to go down and the show begins, take a few moments to familiarise yourself with the exits, which will take you to the back door, the front door or the foyer.



Are you sitting comfortably? Are you in good voice and ready to sing along? Excellent! Then let the lights go down, the curtain rise and let’s get started with the usual intro from the entire cast…


All the World’s A Fool

Welcome to the Mid-Winter/Yule Tarot Blog Hop. The theme for this Hop, set by yours truly, is entitled “Wishing on a Star” and asks our bloggers to reflect on what they have to celebrate from the past year and wish for the year to come. Before we explore this theme, here are the navigation links for the Hop:



Yule 2017 Master List

Here are the navigation links for the Mid-winter/Yule 2017 Tarot Blog Hop…

Sacred Food

Welcome to the Autumn Equinox Tarot Blog Hop, in which our wrangler has given us the theme “Tarot Characters and Sacred Cooking” and asked us to choose a character and try to find out what they would cook at Harvest Tide. Before we continue to foodie loveliness, here are the navigation links for this Hop:



Fast and Loose

Welcome to the August/Lammas Tarot Blog Hop, in which our wrangler has given us the theme “Respecting the divinatory arts” and asked us to discuss how we show respect for our Tarot/divination systems. Before I expound on this topic, here are the navigation links for this Hop:



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