Posts Tagged Tarot


10329296_1421073688154919_6295224645325141367_nWelcome to the Beltane Tarot Blog Hop. Our wrangler, Karen, asked us to take the word “may” and play with it as we chose and so I have *sniggers*. But before I share my mental musings on the subject, here are some links to help you navigate to my neighbouring hoppers and the master list:



Coining it in

10329296_1421073688154919_6295224645325141367_nWelcome to the Vernal Equinox edition of the Tarot Blog Hop. The topic, which for this Hop I have set, is Tarot and finance. Well, it makes a change from bunnies and fecundity 😀

Before we proceed, here are the navigation links to my esteemed neighbours’ contributions and a link to the master list of all our bloggers:



We Draw a Veil

10329296_1421073688154919_6295224645325141367_nWelcome to this Hallowe’en/Samhain edition of the Tarot Blog Hop. Before we continue on to the topic, here are the navigation links to take you to my neighbours’ posts and the Master List in case you are completely lost:


Our wrangler, Arwen, gave us the following directive for this Hop: (more…)

Advent Calendar Day 10

advent10Woah, double figures! That means I’ve posted for 10 days straight 😮 Oh, OK, 9 days straight since I didn’t start until Day 2, but it’s still something of an achievement since I’m usually hard-pressed to post a couple of times a month.

Anyway, I’ve finally found what I want for Christmas and with the World card yesterday, who knows, I may even get it. Mind you, Santa will have to lay hands on somewhere in the region of five and a half million quid, but hey, Santa has to have a massive budget, right? What’s a few million here or there!


Advent Calendar Day 9

advent9Still with me? Fab! Let’s see what Day 9 has in store for us 😀

It’s a bright and frosty morning today – a vast improvement on the soul-destroying drear of last week, so something cheery is called for, methinks. Before I reveal what lurks behind today’s little Advent Calendar door, I will have my customary ramble. Don ‘t panic, I’ll keep it brief!


Advent Calendar Day 8

advent8*Gasp* Day 8 already, and Week 2 begins! Come on, if you’ve fallen behind, get reading! I’ll keep this one brief to give you a chance to catch up on the booze, food and games, dark sunshine, sprouts, loot and bunnies, just in case you missed any, or want to revisit the cute bunny 🙂

Assuming we’re all up to date now, I’ll move swiftly on to opening the door to Day 8 on the virtual calendar. But first…oh, come on, you didn’t think I could resist having a teensy leedle ramble, did you?…


Advent Calendar Day 7

advent7It’s Sunday and I sense a certain ennui amongst the blog reading community. Sunday also being the time for family and relaxation, I considered skipping today’s post, but decided instead just to keep it short and not too challenging 🙂

Thus, I have chosen the Rabbit Tarot for today’s offering: cute, fluffy and not in the least bit demanding, perfect for a languid Sunday. I have both the first edition, with the thick black border, and the second and I’ve chosen the latter.


Advent Calendar Day 6

advent6The weekend has arrived and we are on Day 6 of my Tarot Advent Calendar Challenge, and it is a challenge because I am something of a sporadic blogger, only posting when the mood takes me (or I manage to finish the post while it is still even remotely relevant).

Today is also St Nicholas’ Day. St who? I hear the non-Europeans among you cry. St Nicholas, the bloke with the big white beard dressed like a bishop, the model for Santa Claus due to his gift-bringing activities.


Advent Calendar Day 5

advent5Goodness, Day 5 already!

Yesterday’s sunshine was most definitely metaphorical. In the few appointments that DD did manage  to obtain for Parents’ Evening (I am somewhat less than impressed with the booking system), her teachers were full of glowing praise. *Beams with maternal pride* 


Advent Calendar Day 4

advent4Yep, I’m still here. You didn’t think I’d run out of steam by Day 4, did you? 🙂

I hope you enjoyed yesterday’s post and are planning to try out the Tarot card game. I’d love to hear how you got on.

Today is so dark, dank and dismal I’d rather wish I’d stayed in bed. I’m looking at the advent picture of those deer frolicking under the stars with a degree of envy – their night would appear to be somewhat brighter that my day!


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